How Team Coherence Can Drive Performance in Your Organization

Employees want to be noticed and valued for their work; it's natural for anyone to feel this way. People spend more waking hours at work, in most cases, than they do at home, so it's important for them to feel content.

Driving performance in the workplace is a crucial component for ensuring customer satisfaction. So, how can you make employees feel valued while driving performance in your organization? The best answer is through Team Coherence. 

Team Coherence

We like to think of team coherence as individual members do their part and thrive individually while maintaining a harmonious alignment with the team's goals.

Coherent teams are developed by "Creating an environment to promote a state of contentment which allows an employee to flourish and achieve their full potential for the benefit of themselves and their organization" (The Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development).

In essence, team coherence will lead to happier employees who feel valued.


Developing Team Coherence

The key to developing team coherence is to listen, really listen. Think about what type of listener you are and how to learn to listen. According to the Presencing Institute, there are four types of listening:

Habitual Listening: This type of listening is discerning information we already know.

Factual Listening: This type of listening is when we pay attention and take in information we did not know.

Empathetic Listening: Just as it sounds, this type of listening is from an empathetic perspective, listening with our hearts.

Generative Listening: This happens when walls come down, and we're able to put ego aside to really listen from a common-goal point of view.

As executives and leaders, generative listening is the level we want to obtain with our employees to promote coherence within our workspace, valuing those on our teams.

Many organizations work in a team cohesion setting, which means working in a team setting together. Results are not consistent with this type of setting, and there could be a lot of unknown talent that gets missed.


Driving Performance in Your Organization

Now that you know a bit more about team coherence and listening, it's time to piece everything together to drive your organization's performance. In the beginning, the three main areas to focus on are: 

Cultivate and Nurture: Develop, see, and encourage people's strengths, and commit to building on them via a strengths-based Integrated Coaching Leader™ (link).

Embrace and Normalize: Embrace inclusivity, innovation, and collaboration. Normalize a strengths-based approach to supervision and leadership that supports a performance-driven culture that expects to go through change and thrive together.

Create Space for Open Dialogue: Encourage employees to communicate ideas, feed-" forward," and personal experiences and challenges.  

Nurturing trust in an environment is a leader's responsibility, and it is an extremely important one. Equipping Leaders to produce strength-based teams, which perform approximately 36% better and are 43% more productive (source: Gallup), combined with the skills to create team coherence, can improve innovation, trust, and inclusivity.


Putting it All Together

When nurturing team coherence to drive performance in your organization, everyone wins. Most importantly, the customer experience can improve by 45% (source: Gallup).

Allowing employees to focus on areas in which they excel will not only make them happier, as they will enjoy their work more (engagement is everything), but the output of work will also be higher as they will tend to take more pride in what they are doing.

While creating team coherence may be a new skill for leaders, the benefits for both employees and executives are too good not to embrace. 

We specialize in helping teams and organizations understand and implement practices that cultivate the power of interdependence.

The Wellsiliency™ Institute has developed a series of interdependent courses to comprehensively address the knowledge and skills leaders and teams need to build strengths-based values-driven performance cultures where all experience belonging.

Is cultivating a deliberate culture that leaves a lasting legacy of positive impact in the lives of others important to your organization?

Our institute has designed five program pillars to help leaders be well and lead well through a skill progression from Whole-self Intelligence™ integration to boost resilience and confidence, strengths-based wellbeing, strengths-based team building, strengths-based leadership, and psychological safety to unleash collaboration.

We don't believe in providing superficial programs; instead, we strive to become your collaborative partner by equipping your leaders with the skills they need to create meaningful, enduring outcomes. Our ultimate goal is to help you build a legacy of leadership excellence that will make a real difference in your organization's success.

Contact us to request our 4 page FACT SHEET to learn how our comprehensive 5 PILLAR PROGRAM helps leaders create interdependent teams and organizations.  

Let’s partner to create a more harmonious and sustainable future, where cooperation and mutual support lead to thriving.   

Bianca Capo, CDP, ChFC

CEO, Founder of Wellsiliency™ Institute. Cultivating strength-based leadership, wellbeing, and belonging by harnessing frameworks informed by performance-driven psychology and neuroscience. Elevate & leverage your leader's wellsiliency™ today

Shannon Pickering, Co-Founder, Director of Wellbeing Programs, Human Potential Coach.


A Coaching Culture: Built by Integrated Coaching Leaders™


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