A Coaching Culture: Built by Integrated Coaching Leaders™

In The Human Side of Enterprise, first published in 1960, author Doulas McGregor wrote about two styles of management – authoritarian (Theory X) and participative (Theory Y).

I think of the authoritarian style, or Theory X, as the role Managers play. While, the participative style, or Theory Y is what I like to think of as a Coaching Leader.

What’s the difference between a manager and a coaching leader? 

A manager's role is more focused on problems, solutions, bottom lines, and overseeing employees. 

A coach's role is more focused on the employees' strengths and working with them on co-creating solutions, exploring options, and facilitating a way forward through the challenges. 

"Coaching Leaders" are skilled at holding team members accountable and understand how to invoke engagement and self-directed performance. This being the ultimate goal. 

They also know the human factors that interfere with performance. They can coach to improve resiliency and self-management of personal triggers - the "hang-ups" that keep team members disengaged and frustrated with change.  

My work with clients has inspired and prepared me to develop the Integrated Coaching Leaders™ training program.

Leadership in the 21st Century is different. A Leader's resiliency and coaching to strengths are the new superpowers.


Integrated Coaching Leaders™

Integrated Coaching Leaders™ brings a mix of science and art to coaching leadership. To be successful, you need to understand the psychology of coaching while also artfully utilizing methodologies and frameworks to transform outcomes, teams, and, ultimately, the culture. 

Effective coaching is a journey or process one takes to ensure that they can understand and address each individual as a whole to facilitate creativity, new insights, and actionable steps. 

By applying the principles of Neuroscience, the Science of Wellbeing, and Strengths-based Leadership, an Integrated Coaching Leader™ can tap into and improve personal courage, resilience, and a lead from whole-self - as an authentic, inclusive leader. 

Anybody in a leadership or management role should be equipped with coaching skills to advance and succeed collectively. Coaching involves exploring, facilitating partnership, and long-term improvements, while also co-creating solutions and facilitating interdependence among the team/organization.


Coaching Data

There has been plenty of data collected to show that a coaching approach to leadership is extremely beneficial to productivity and outcomes. The Institute of Coaching cites that 70% of individuals who receive coaching benefit from improved work performance, relationships, and communication skills.


But that's not all -- 

  • 86% of companies who have paid for coaching feel that they have recouped more than just their investment (source: ICF Global Coaching Study 2009).

  • Companies with a coaching culture report that two-thirds of their staff are highly engaged, compared with only about half of employees in companies without a coaching culture.

And a 2016 survey involving 900 professionals from 153 organizations, the HCI – ICF found the following:

  • 62% report their employees are highly engaged, vs. 50% without a strong coaching culture.

  • 51% report recent revenue above their industry peer group, vs. 38% without a strong coaching culture.

  • 87% report that their current training has been instrumental in building a coaching culture, vs. 43% without a strong coaching culture.

  • Team respondents also expressed enhanced team functioning and relationships, increased employee engagement, productivity, and leadership capacity improvements.


"Coaching culture delivers a great promise — a high-performance environment that holds people accountable for delivering results while fostering a climate of full engagement, personal development, and mutual support." 

- Funck, "How to Instill a Coaching Culture

Center for Creative Leadership


Benefits of Integrated Coaching Leaders™

Without even looking at the data, there are several benefits to Integrated Coaching Leaders™. The skill sets that the coaches need to successfully help others are developed over time. It doesn't happen overnight.

Some of the areas that Integrated Coaching Leaders™ are able to help workplaces include:

  • Builds Trust

  • Guides Others

  • Holds Space

  • Clarifies Emotions

  • Challenges Thinking

  • Ignites Action

  • Encourages Teamwork

  • Builds Relationships

  • Sets Healthy Boundaries


It is easy to understand why more organizations choose to develop a coaching culture as a leadership strategy. Not only does a coaching culture help with higher employee engagement, but it also helps with retention so that the talent stays within the organization.

In this day and age, leaders cannot command and control if they want to be effective. Leaders and Managers need to reinvent themselves as Coaches.

How to Create a Coaching Culture 

We specialize in helping teams and organizations understand and implement practices that cultivate the power of interdependence.

The Wellsiliency™ Institute has developed a series of interdependent courses to comprehensively address the knowledge and skills leaders and teams need to build strengths-based values-driven performance cultures where all experience belonging.

Is cultivating a deliberate culture that leaves a lasting legacy of positive impact in the lives of others important to your organization?

Our institute has designed five program pillars to help leaders be well and lead well through a skill progression from Whole-self Intelligence™ integration to boost resilience and confidence, strengths-based wellbeing, strengths-based team building, strengths-based leadership, and psychological safety to unleash collaboration.

We don't believe in providing superficial programs; instead, we strive to become your collaborative partner by equipping your leaders with the skills they need to create meaningful, enduring outcomes. Our ultimate goal is to help you build a legacy of leadership excellence that will make a real difference in your organization's success.

Contact us to request our 4 page FACT SHEET to learn how our comprehensive 5 PILLAR PROGRAM helps leaders create interdependent teams and organizations.  

Let’s partner to create a more harmonious and sustainable future, where cooperation and mutual support lead to thriving.   

Bianca Capo, CDP, ChFC

CEO, Founder of Wellsiliency™ Institute. Cultivating strength-based leadership, wellbeing, and belonging by harnessing frameworks informed by performance-driven psychology and neuroscience. Elevate & leverage your leader's wellsiliency™ today

Shannon Pickering, Co-Founder, Director of Wellbeing Programs, Human Potential Coach.


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