Unleashing Team Synergy™

Using The Five Behaviors® Powered by Everything DiSC®

Equip and up-skill leaders and teams to rethink their approach to teamwork and shape new behaviors to combat:








Unleashing Team Synergy™

The Five Behaviors That Drive Results

As an Everything DiSC® Wiley Authorized Partner, we equip our clients with the human skills they need to work better - together.

Build a cohesive team with The Five Behaviors® assessment and expert facilitation. Based on, Patrick Lencioni book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, and powered by DiSC® research on communication styles, this program will transform your teams and organization. You will have the option to add the CliftonStrengths® validated assessment to discover what strengths on the team need to develop the five behaviors.

Learn to to build (1) trust, have (2) productive conflict, gain (3) commitment, practice (4) accountability, and improve (5) results.


  • Want a validated, research-based assessment that measures performance in five areas: Trust, Productive Conflict, Commitment, Accountability, Results.

  • Are experiencing team conflict and ineffective communication

  • Want to strengthen trust among team members

  • Want to improve engagement and retention

  • Collaboration needs to improve

  • Become clear on how to turn frustration into appreciation and incite commitment and accountability

  • Desire to achieve improved results with a more positive team culture



To promote accessibility, our experiential courses are customizable, delivered in-person and or virtually, and supported by self-guided micro-courses and 1:1 coaching to advance the transformative practices.

Acquiring leadership and coaching skills leads to a transformation of the Five Behaviors®, permanently changing leaders, teams, and organizational culture.

Impactful leaders excel in interdependent communication, confident decision-making, and harnessing strengths. They intentionally foster the behaviors that nurture team members to self-direct their energy and performance through innate talents.

In turn, this kind of leader will inspires and build inclusive cultures where all feel they belong.

A Course for Leaders To Build Resilience And Power-up Collaborative Performance Through Times of Uncertainty and Change Implementation



View the course curriculum


Unleashing Team Synergy™: The Five Behaviors That Drive Results and Culture.

Create team cohesion, a better culture and improved results. Learn how Interdependent Communication™ is associated with higher levels of trust and cooperation, increased motivation, and improved performance. High team cohesion can also lead to increased job satisfaction and lower levels of stress among team members. Break down barriers and identify the practices that cultivating the Five Behaviors®, based on Patrick Lencioni's book, The Five Dysfunctions of a Team, to unlock team synergy.

As a Wiley Everything DiSC® Authorized Partner, we equip our clients with the human skills they need to work better - together.

    • A 2.5-day in-person retreat (recommended) or a series of virtual sessions to cover the material.

    • Recommended: 1:1 confidential coaching calls to address team member challenges.

    • Optional: Follow up with the Train-The-Leader Integrated Coaching Leader™ program (pillar #5) to learn coaching skills to cultivate the five behaviors and build strengths-based teams/cultures of belonging. This program can also be designed to include the whole team (not just leadership/ELT).

    • Optional: Add the CliftonStrengths® assessment and facilitation to discover strengths on the team.

    • Virtual Zoom group session or in person.

    • Pre-scheduled one on one phone calls if coaching are selected

    • All team members will take an anonymous assessment to score the five behaviors on the team based on how they are experiencing these behaviors. The same assessment identifies the individual's DiSC style to assist in improving the behaviors based on their strengths and communication styles.

  • Leaders and their teams will learn to:

    • Master the skills of interdependent communication

    • Each other’s communication styles and needs

    • Create cohesive resilient teams

    • Learn how to build interpersonal trust

    • Learn the art of productive conflict

    • Learn how to incite commitment

    • Learn to embrace accountability

    • The foundational steps to elevate results.

    • Improve collaboration while innovating and co-creating best results

    • This program provides exercises, practices, and resources to address improving each behavior.

    • A comprehensive report of personal communication styles and how to have productive conflict with others

    • A comprehensive report with anonymous assessment results on how the team is experiencing the five behaviors and how to improve them.


A Learning Management System Optimized For Desktop and Mobile use.

Online Expert Coach Facilitations

1:1 Coaching to Optimize Development.

Experienced Executive Coaches.

Leaders Are NOT Immune to Being Disengaged!

In this unprecedented environment, disengagement is a serious concern. Disengagement costs US companies over 500 billion dollars in lost productivity annually!

How much is it costing you?

Can you afford to ignore the data?

Who is this course for?

This course is for any leader desiring to upgrade their leadership skills and their team‘s capacity to perform - together.

✔ Executives

✔ Directors

✔ Managers / Supervisors 

✔ Business Owners / CEOs

✔ People Operations

✔ Leaders & Team(s) focused on performance

✔ Leaders driving systematic change

✔ Professionals on the frontlines taking care of others

✔ Professionals experiencing or at risk of burnout


Meet Your Course Instructors


Bianca Capo

CEO & Founder of Wellsiliency Institute™, Gallup Certified Strengths-based Leadership Coach, OD Consultant, Certified Bulletproof Coach, Strengths Strategy, IIN Health & Wellbeing Coach, mBIT Certified Coach, Trainer, Speaker


Shannon Lea Pickering, M.S.

Co-Founder of Wellsiliency Institute™, Performance & Wellbeing Coach Certified by Gallup, Bulletproof, Strengths Strategy, Wahls Protocol, Irlen Method, Creator of Lead YourSelf to Health™, Trainer, Speaker


 “A mind that is stretched by new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”

- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

 Corporate Rates Available

Enroll your leaders, teams, and frontline employees at a reduced rate.
Contact us for custom pricing on groups of 50 or more individuals.