Psychological Safety

Unleashing Collaborative Teams™

Cultivating Psychological Safety is not easy. Yet, it is foundational if the goal is employee engagement, innovation, collaboration, and building an inclusive culture where all employees feel a sense of belonging.

Gain clarity on the principles of Psychological Safety through our Unleashing Collaborative Teams™ training, available both in-person and virtually, designed to combat:





Low Creativity

Fear of Contributing


Psychological Safety:
Unleashing Collaborative Teams™

Psychological safety creates the foundation for an inclusive culture where all employees feel a sense of belonging and are empowered to contribute their highest value. This is the anti-dote for disengagement.

When leaders apply the practices that increase Psychological safety, they will improve engagement, retention, and collaborative innovation. Research proves that performance, the back bone of any team/organization, will improve by cultivating the practices taught in this program.


✔   Are experiencing team conflict and ineffective communication

✔   Want to strengthen trust among team members

✔   Want to improve engagement and retention

✔   Collaboration needs to improve

✔   Notice feelings of being unappreciated, misunderstood, not belonging

✔  You want leaders and team members to develop skills to have productive conflict while developing trust and accountability among team members.



To promote accessibility, we offer our 5-pillar courses live, self-guided and 1:1 with virtual support.



Our self-paced courses give leaders a powerful new insight to develop transformational habits.

With Psychological Safety as the driving force, your teams will become resilient, collaborative, and better equipped to tackle challenges. It is the cornerstone of a workplace culture where employees flourish and innovation thrives. Trust and mutual respect ensues. Consequently, the full potential of every team member is unlocked.

View the course curriculum


Psychological Safety:
Unleashing Collaborative Teams™

Imagine a workplace where communication is intentionally designed to ensure that intention and impact always align. In such an environment, employees no longer wrestle with feelings of being misunderstood, unappreciated, disengaged, or left out. Instead, they thrive within an inclusive culture where every team member feels empowered to contribute their unique value, gifts, ideas, objections, and concerns. Here, learning is embraced, and everyone becomes comfortable with acquiring new skills. 

The transformative power of Psychological Safety at work is a culture where your team members flourish and your organization excels.

    • Five 1-hour virtual sessions, or two 2.5-hour + virtual sessions.

    • 1:1 confidential coaching calls are suggested and can be added as an upgrade at any point in the program.

    • Virtual Zoom group session or in person.

    • Intentionally design communication where intention and impact align

    • Reduce employees feelings of being misunderstood, unappreciated, disengaged, and left out

    • Create an inclusive culture where all employees feel empowered to contribute their value gifts, ideas, objections, and concerns.

    • All team members become comfortable learning new skills

    • All team members accept that they may make mistakes without fear

    • All team members learn how to challenge the status quo, or even their leaders in order to contribute positive value

    • If it’s an (all) leaders session, the practices via the lens of leadership and understanding the psychology of “power dynamics” will be emphasize with practice brealout sessions.

    • This is a live virtual session with an online micro learning course designed to guide participants through experiential learning. A workbooks and resources will be provided.


A Learning Management System Optimized For Desktop and Mobile use.

Online Expert Coach Facilitations

1:1 Coaching to Optimize Development.

Experienced Executive Coaches.

Can you afford to ignore the data?

Leaders Are NOT Immune to Being Disengaged!

In this unprecedented environment, disengagement is a serious concern. Disengagement costs US companies over 500 billion dollars in lost productivity annually!

How much is it costing you?

Who is this course for?

This course is for all staff and or leaders desiring to upgrade their leadership communication skills, capacity to manage the performance of others, or foster collaboration and culture of belonging.

✔ Executives

✔ Directors

✔ Managers / Supervisors 

✔ Business Owners / CEOs

✔ People Operations

✔ Leaders & Team(s) focused on performance

✔ Leaders driving systematic change

✔ Professionals on the frontlines taking care of others

✔ Professionals experiencing or at risk of burnout


Meet Your Course Instructors


Bianca Capo

CEO & Founder of Wellsiliency Institute™, Gallup Certified Strengths-based Leadership Coach, OD Consultant, Certified Bulletproof Coach, Strengths Strategy, IIN Health & Wellbeing Coach, mBIT Certified Coach, Trainer, Speaker


Shannon Lea Pickering, M.S.

Co-Founder of Wellsiliency Institute™, Performance & Wellbeing Coach Certified by Gallup, Bulletproof, Strengths Strategy, Wahls Protocol, Irlen Method, Creator of Lead YourSelf to Health™, Trainer, Speaker


 “A mind that is stretched by new experience can never go back to its old dimensions.”

- Oliver Wendell Holmes, Jr.

 Corporate Rates Available

Enroll your leaders, teams, and frontline employees at a reduced rate.
Contact us for custom pricing on groups of 50 or more individuals.


5 Workplace Burnout Study:

6 Dying For A Paycheck by Jeffrey Pfeffer:

7 Harris Poll American Heart Association CEO Roundtable: Employees Believe Employers Should Play A Role In Supporting Their Mental Health

8 Burnout Can Exacerbate Work Stress, Further Promoting A Vicious Circle -

11 Glint How Employees Are Feeling Right Now: Employee Burnout Has Reached A New High - With No Signs Of Abating

14 Gallup Employee Burnout Part 1: The 5 Main Causes

15 Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI)

19 American Psychological Association Stress In America: Paying For Our Health